The members of the Scientific Board
The members of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Faculty of Economics Matej Bel University in Banskaá Bystrica are important experts from the fields in which the faculty carries out education, research, development or other creative activities. The president of the board is the dean who, on the basis of the relevant regulations of the scientific board of the faculty, may appoint and recall members with the agreement of the Academic Senate of the faculty.
Chairman of the Scientific Board
Internal members of the Scientific Board
3 prof. Ing. Zdenka Musová, PhD.
4. doc. Mgr. Ing. Lukáš Smerek, PhD.
5. prof. Ing. Peter Krištofík, Ph.D.
6. prof. Ing. Vanda Maráková, PhD.
7. prof. Ing. Beáta Mikušková Meričková, PhD.
8. prof. Ing. Hussam Musa, PhD.
9. prof. Ing. Peter Pisár, PhD.
10. prof. Ing. Kristína Pompurová, PhD.
11. prof. Ing. Anna Vaňová, PhD.
12. prof. Ing. Ján Závadský, PhD.
13. prof. Ing. Emília Zimková, PhD.
14. doc. PhDr. Ing. Martin Boďa, PhD.
15. doc. Ing. Kamila Borseková, PhD.
16. doc. Ing. Tomáš Gajdošík, PhD.
17. doc. Ing. Vladimír Hiadlovský, PhD.
18. doc. Ing. Ján Huňady, PhD.
19. doc. Mgr. Ing. Miroslava Knapková, PhD.
20. doc. Ing. Katarína Vitálišová, PhD.
External members of the Scientific Committee
21. prof. Martin Kahanec, PhD., Central European University
22. prof. Ing. Tomáš Klieštik, PhD., Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications, University of Žilina
23. Mgr. Ondrej Lunter, Banská Bystrica Self-Governing Region, the Chairman
24. Ing. Maroš Ovčarik, CEO Partners Investment , o.c.p., a.s.
25. prof. Ing. Erika Pastoráková, PhD., Faculty of Enonomics and Finance, University of Economis in Bratislava, the Dean
26. prof. Ing. Marek Potkány, PhD., Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology, Technical University in Zvolen
27. prof. Ing. Jan Stejskal, Ph.D., Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Pardubice, the Dean
28. doc. Ing. Michal Šoltés, PhD., Faculty of Economics, Technical University of Košice, the Dean
29. prof. Ing. Róbert Štefko, Ph.D., Faculty of management and Business, University of Prešov, the Dean
30. doc. Ing. Zuzana Tučková, Ph.D., Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, the Dean
Approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Economics of the Matej Bel Univeristy in Banská Bystrica on May 15th, 2024.