Tasks, duties, responsibilities and rights of supervisors of doctoral students
- The Supervisor announces the topics of DisT within the period set in the EF UMB doctoral study schedule for the relevant academic year.
- The Supervisor guides a doctoral student professionally during his/her doctoral study.
- The Supervisor, in cooperation with the doctoral student, compiles an individual study plan of the doctoral student and submits it for approval (after prior consultation in field study committee (FSC) to the FSC Chair.
- The Supervisor manages and guarantees professionally the fulfilment of doctoral student´s study plan.
- The Supervisor determines the focus of the DisT and together with the doctoral student specifies its topic and content.
- The Supervisor leads and checks the research, participation in conferences, publication and related work of the doctoral student.
- The Supervisor approves granting of a specified number of credits to doctoral student for completed stages of individual study of scientific literature and the scientific part of the study plan (courses of the “Scientific activity”). The entry of credits for these courses into the AiS2 Information System is carried out by the employee of the Office on the basis of an e-mail from the Supervisor confirming the granting of a specified number of credits.
- The Supervisor leads the doctoral student in a way that he/she submits the DisT within the set deadline.
- The Supervisor submits the Doctoral Student Annual Evaluation the Dean within the set period. Timely delivery of the Doctoral Student Annual Evaluation is a necessary requirement for enrolling a doctoral student in the following academic year.
- The Supervisor submits a written proposal for continuation of study, extension of study, or a proposal for exclusion from doctora lstudy, comments on the doctoral student´s request to interrupt studies and the doctoral student´s request to change the form of study within the same study programme, in writing, to the Dean.
- The Supervisor expresses his consent or disagreement with the application for the defense of DisT or application for DisE in writing.
- The Supervisor proposes a study stay of doctoral student other than academic mobility (Section 58a of the Act) in Slovak or foreign institution of science, education, research or technology to the Dean.
- The Supervisor prepares an opinion on DisT and the working characteristic of his/her doctoral student, enters it into the CRZP via the EF UMB information system.
- The Supervisor provides consultations with other experts for the doctoral student as needed.
- The Supervisor participates in DisE and at the defense of DisT of his/her doctoral student without the right to vote.
- The Supervisor has overall responsibility for the doctoral student in full-time or part-time forms of study and his/her comprehensive assessment of competence and performance of tasks.
The list of supervisors of the doctoral program at the Faculty of Economics Matej Bel University
SP Tourism
- doc. Ing. Tomáš Gajdošík, PhD.
- assoc. prof. Dr. Giacomo Del Chiappa
- doc. Mgr. Ivan Chorvát, M.A., CSc.
- doc. Ing. Andrej Malachovský, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Vanda Maráková, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Radka Marčeková, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Kristína Pompurová, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Ľubica Šebová, PhD.
SP Corporate Economics and Management
- doc. Ing. Ľuboš Elexa, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Vladimír Hiadlovský, PhD.
- doc. Mgr. Ing. Miroslava Knapková, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Peter Krištofík, Ph.D.
- doc. Ing. Denisa Malá, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Jana Marasová, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Martina Minárová, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Hussam Musa, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Zdenka Musová, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Marek Potkány, PhD./Zvolen
- prof. Ing. Mariana Sedliačiková, PhD./ Zvolen
- doc. Mgr. Ing. Lukáš Smerek, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Janka Táborecká, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Lenka Veselovská, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Miroslava Vinczeová, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Zuzana Závadská, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Ján Závadský, PhD.
SP Finance
- doc. PhDr. Ing. Martin Boďa, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Vladimír Hiadlovský, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Ján Huňady, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Peter Krištofík, Ph.D.
- prof. Ing. Hussam Musa, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Zdenka Musová, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Juraj Nemec, CSc.
- prof. Ing. Peter Pisár, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Emília Zimková, PhD.
SP Public Economics and Policy
- doc. Ing. Kamila Borseková, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Martina Halásková, Ph.D./ČR
- doc. Ing. Renáta Halásková, Ph.D./ČR
- doc. Ing. Mária Horehájová, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Štefan Hronec, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Stanislav Kološta, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Beáta Mikušová Meričková, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Peter Pisár, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Mária Murray Svidroňová, PhD.
- prof. Ing. Jan Stejskal, Ph.D./ČR
- prof. Ing. Anna Vaňová, PhD.
- doc. Ing. Katarína Vitálišová, PhD.