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Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) je krátkodobý zmiešaný intenzívny program, v rámci ktorého sa využívajú inovačné spôsoby výučby a učenia sa. Pozostáva z online časti a z fyzickej mobility, ktorá trvá spravidla 5 dní.

Na BIP-y je možné prihlasovať sa priebežne počas akademického roka. Bližšie informácie o možnosti zúčastniť sa BIP-u Vám poskytne Mgr. Jana Prašovská.

Aktuálna ponuka BIP-ov

University Name Erasmus Code BIP BIP Status Start Date Application Deadline
Varna University of Management BG ALBENA01 Employability and Personal Brand Development Open for All 09-Jun-25 31-Mar-25

This BIP aims to prepare students to effectively manage their transition from study to work by exposure to both the range of opportunities available to them and the tools and techniques required to embrace these opportunities. Furthermore, the BIP will teach participants to articulate and position what is remarkable about one’s self given the current marketplace realities.



Vytautas Magnus University Agriculture Academy LT KAUNAS01 Management for Business Startup's: 2025 Summer course Only to Partners with Inter-Institutional Agreement 09-Jun-25 14-Apr-25

The aim of this program is to transfer the knowledge and skills to students so that they would be able to create their own business plan and be confident to present it to various stakeholders (shareholders, bankers, co-workers or clients). This course will combine theoretical knowledge from various subjects (Planning, Marketing, Structures, Salaries, Budget, etc.) and provide practical abilities to plan, organize and control business, motivate employees and predict important business indicators for shareholders and business administration.



West University of Timisoara RO TIMISOA01 The Future of Business Embracing Digital Transformation Open for All 02-Jun-25 30-Apr-25

The BIP program offered by WUT aims to initiate and familiarise students with digital transformation in business by understanding its relevance, engaging with the tools and technologies involved, and actively seeking to develop the skills required to thrive in a digitally driven world. Embracing digital transformation is no longer optional for business; it’s essential for survival and growth. Companies that effectively integrate digital technologies into their operations will enhance efficiency and customer satisfaction, drive innovation, and open new business opportunities. The future of business lies in the ability to adapt to this digital era, leveraging technology to create more agile, responsive, and sustainable organisations.
At the end of the course, students will learn about the digital transformation are positioning themselves at the forefront of the future workforce. Students can become key players in driving digital transformation in various sectors by engaging with emerging technologies, developing relevant skills, and staying informed about industry trends. Adopting a holistic approach that includes ethical considerations and sustainability will ensure they contribute positively to society as they navigate the digital landscape.



West University of Timisoara RO TIMISOA01 New Economy and New Green Deal using the Example of Accounting Open for All 28-Apr-25 31-Mar-25

The primary objectives of this BIP are to:
Examine the relationship between the new economy, the Green Deal and accounting practices.
Explore innovative solutions and strategies related to sustainability principles, behavioral economics, accounting, management and marketing.
Foster collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving skills through interactive workshops, case studies and team-based activities.

The Blended Intensive Programme aims to provide participants (learners and teaching staff) a comprehensive understanding of the new economy, sustainability goals outlined in the Green Deal and the role of accounting practices in facilitating this transition by a transdisciplinary approach. The programme seeks to achieve the following topics and actions:
Explore the concept of the new economy
Get insight the objectives and framework of the Green Deal
Understand the role of accounting in the Green Transition
Evaluate sustainable business models and practices: using case studies and real-world examples
Develop strategies for Green Accounting and Reporting
Promote collaboration and knowledge exchange

The BIP aims to empower participants with the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to navigate the complexities of the new economy and contribute to the realization of the sustainability objectives outlined in the Green Deal through effective accounting practices. By fostering interdisciplinary learning and collaboration, the programme seeks to inspire participants to become agents of change in promoting economic prosperity, environmental stewardship and social equity in the transition towards a sustainable future.



Varna University of Management BG ALBENA01 Leveraging Big Data for Decision Making in Business Open for All 26-May-25 31-Mar-25

This BIP is targeted at university students at all levels of higher education in the field of Social Sciences or Computer Sciences who are keen and motivated to delve into the complexities of big data, business intelligence/ data warehousing and how they are used for Decision Support Analytics, encompassing areas such as application of analytics and data science in finance, human resource management, marketing and the implications of data use in various contexts. The BIP targets individuals eager to develop their expertise in handling, analysing, and applying data-driven strategies in diverse professional fields for decision making.



Mykolas Romeris University LT VILNIUS06 Startup Bootcamp: 5-Day Innovation Sprint – From Idea to Impact Only to Partners with Inter-Institutional Agreement 26-May-25  

1. Encourage students to practically apply management methods, such as design thinking and lean methodologies, in an international context.
2. Develop students' entrepreneurial mindset by pushing them outside their comfort zone.
3. Strengthen students' abilities to work in international teams within a digital environment.
4. Increase students' intercultural competence through international collaboration.
5. Improve students' communication, problem solving, analytical skills as well as increase emotional intelligence.

During this intensive week-long Startup Bootcamp, students from various European universities will collaborate in teams to navigate all stages of startup and innovative venture building. They will progress from ideation, testing, prototyping, and validation to pitching their solutions to a professional jury.
Throughout the 5-day Startup Bootcamp, students will:
- Day 1: Analyze and validate real-world problems.
- Day 2: Refine and choose a problem using assumption-based validation and other methods.
- Day 3: Leverage technologies such as AI and no-code tools to build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
- Day 4: Validate their MVP using the "go out of the room" method for real-world feedback.
- Day 5: Prepare a pitch deck and present their solution to a professional jury. The best solution will be awarded.
In addition to workshops and mentorship sessions, students will engage in social activities and take an excursion to explore the Lithuanian startup ecosystem, where they will meet with local startups and unicorns, further enhancing their entrepreneurial experience.



Al.I.Cuza University of Iasi RO IASI02 (Im)Moral Judgments, Decisions, and Behaviors in Our Everyday Life Open for All 19-May-25 23-Apr-25

What is it about?
This program explores the complex processes underlying moral judgments, decision-making, and behaviors, focusing on understanding how these elements manifest in our everyday lives. The event delves into the development of moral judgment, the role of perspective-taking, and the impact of various psychological and social factors on moral behavior.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about diverse topics, such as the evolution of moral judgment from childhood to adulthood, the influence of emotions on moral judgments, and the role of psychological traits such as narcissism in this context. The program also analyzes moral judgments in various fields, such as educational, developmental or in the context of romantic relationships. Through this program, attendees will deepen their understanding of how moral processes shape interactions, choices, or relationships, but also on how different experiences, contexts, or emotions determine certain moral judgments.

The event includes a series of lectures, workshops, and discussions led by experts and researchers in psychology and moral studies. Sessions will provide participants with both theoretical frameworks and practical tools to investigate moral concepts.

Who should attend?
The program is designed for students (Bachelor, Master, or PhD) and staff who are interested in psychology, social sciences, and interdisciplinary studies on morality. It is particularly suited for those focusing on moral development, behavioral or cognitive psychology, and social and cultural influences on morality.

Learning outcomes
Advanced understanding of the development of moral judgment and perspective-taking.
Knowledge of theoretical and practical approaches to studying (in)moral behaviors, especially within different contexts (e.g., developmental, educational, romantic satisfaction, and so on).
Insights into psychological factors that influence moral judgments such as emotions, personality characteristics, or cognitive abilities.
Skills for analyzing and discussing complex moral phenomena within a social and cultural context.