FundResearch project (Study on the correlation between cost and performances in EU equity retail funds)
Informácie o projekte
Číslo projektu: | ID/1110 |
Typ projektu: | Zahraničný iný |
Doba riešenia projektu: | 1. September 2018 - 31. Marec 2019 |
Vedúci projektu: | |
Spoluriešitelia z UMB: | Zofaj Matej, Ing. |
Zahraničný projekt: | áno |
Anotácia: Research activity aimed at providing qualitative and quantitative assessments of the EU market for retail investment funds, focusing on Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) and Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs). This paper compares mutual fund returns with their market index (benchmark) and analyses the relationship between the main factors impacting fund performance and the ability to deliver returns higher than the market. Plánovaný výstup projektu: výskumná štúdia, oponovaná (recenzovaná)