Od vysokej k nízkej závislosti na verejných transferoch v starobe: dokáže viacpilierový dôchodkový systém zvládnuť negatívne následky starnutia populácie?
Informácie o projekte
Číslo projektu: | APVV-19-0352 |
Grantová schéma: | APVV - všeobecná výzva |
Typ projektu: | Domáci výskumný |
Doba riešenia projektu: | 1. Júl 2020 - 31. December 2024 |
Vedúci projektu: | |
Spoluriešitelia z UMB: | Kralik Ivan, Mgr. |
Doktorandi: | Dankova Daniela, Ing. |
Finančný manažér projektu: | |
Projektový manažér projektu: | |
Zahraničný projekt: | nie |
The project implements important methodological innovations in Slovakia in the field of economics of redistribution. While there are already some precedents implementing transfer accounts in the evaluation of public and private transfers in the Slovakian economy(Istenič, Hammer, et al. 2016; T. Domonkos, Domonkos, and Jardeková 2019b; 2019c; 2019a) these have not yet considered all important particularities of the Slovak legal and economic environment. This project envisages investigating the impact of major redistributive policies, such as the switch to private funded pension schemes, on both public and private transfers within society – a question that National Transfer Accounts after appropriate modifications are well-suited to answer. The project therefore will combine thedevelopment of methodological innovations to NTA with their policy-relevant empirical applications to the Slovak context.