Study on options for development of online tools and services supporting retail investors in investment decisions
Informácie o projekte
Číslo projektu: | ID/1105 |
Typ projektu: | Zahraničný iný |
Doba riešenia projektu: | 1. November 2018 - 31. Október 2019 |
Vedúci projektu: | |
Zahraničný projekt: | áno |
The objective of the study is to: 1) Map the most suitable existing and emerging solutions of online tools and services [solutions] supporting retail investors in investment decisions in the EU and worldwide and assess their risks and opportunities from a consumer perspective; 2) Propose at least 3 options for non-legislative initiatives at the EU level and provide their assessment; 3) Identify a preferred option(s) and provide a project description for its implementation. The study should consider options to support (further) development of private or public initiatives (e.g. on-line calculators, public databases, private-public initiatives). Link: Plánované výstupy projektu: The general objective of the study is to identify best options for development of online tools and services that may help the individuals to find suitable and cost-effective retail investment products across the EU's capital markets. As a first step the study should examine the existing landscape of technology driven digital interfaces that address challenges of retail investors when purchasing retail investment products. The studyshould consider options to support (further) development of private or public initiatives (e.g. on-line calculators, public databases, private-public initiatives), based on a complete and fair analysis of opportunities and risks for consumers. Based on this analysis the contractor should propose the most suitable option(s) for public intervention that can complement or add value to existing solutions. To this end, the study should specifically: - Map the most suitable existing and emerging solutions in the EU and worldwide and assess their risks and opportunities from a consumer perspective - Propose options for non-legislative initiatives at the EU level and provide their assessment - Identify a preferred option(s) and provide a project description for its implementation.