Konferencia Current Trends in Spas, Hospitality and Tourism
International Scientific Conference Current Trends in Spas, Hospitality and Tourism
Under the Auspices of Rector of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica assoc. prof. Ing. Vladimír Hiadlovský, PhD.
Proceedings of 12th International Scientific Conference Current Trends in Spas, Hospitality and Tourism
assoc. prof. Ing. Vladimír Hiadlovský, PhD., Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
prof. Ing. Peter Krištofík, Ph.D., Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Economics
prof. Ing. Vanda Maráková, PhD., Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Economics
prof. Ing. Kristína Pompurová, PhD., Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Economics
prof. Ing. Marian Gúčik PhD., Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Faculty of Economics
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Rapacz, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Business and Management
assoc. prof. Ing. Pavlína Pellešová, Ph.D., Silesian University in Opava, School of Business Administration in Karvina
assoc. prof. Ing. Jan Han, Ph.D., University College Prague in Prague, Vice-Rector for Research and Cooperation with Practice
prof. PhDr. Irena Korbelářová, Dr., Silesian University in Opava, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava
Dr. h. c. prof. Dr. Harald Pechlaner, Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Faculty of Mathematics and Geography, School of Transformation and Sustainability
prof. Giacomo del Chiappa, PhD., University of Sassari
dr hab. Izabela Michalska-Dudek, prof. UEW, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Business and Management
dr hab. Piotr Gryszel, prof. UEW, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Faculty of Business and Management
The main scientific goal of the conference is to bridge the gap between up-to-date knowledge and the challenges and multiple crises that the industry is facing to contribute to the academic discussion addressing conceptual as well as applicational tasks.
Organizers are addressing the research question “Quo Vadis Tourism?”
The discussion will further explore future scenarios of tourism development. It will focus on contemporary tourism policies and practices and leading trends of transformation of tourism.
- Digitalization in Tourism
- Industry 5.0 in Hospitality
- Transformation of tourism
- New challenges in hospitality and tourism education
- Data-driven destination management
- Challenges of business eco-systems
- Regenerative tourism
- Knowledge transfer
- Resilience strategies
- Shortcomings of the labor market
- Smart solutions
- Smart business skills
- Industrial tourism
Registration deadline: 29. 2. 2024. Please fill in the following form.
Conference fee payment deadline: 30. 4. 2024
Presentation submisson deadline: 10. 6. 2024
Paper submission deadline: 28. 6. 2024
- Hotel Grand Vígľaš, Vígľaš no. 602, 962 02 Vígľaš, Slovakia; GPS 48.5554719 2996695
- Contact: [email protected]
- Each participant interested to book the accomodation should directly contact the reception of the hotel with the promo code: "KCR EF UMB" to get special discount on the accomodation.
- 100 EUR (includes a full-day conference program, luch, coffee break and participation in Grand ceremony)
- Payment details: Account holder: Ekonómia, o.z., Tajovského 10, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
- IČO 359 81 555; DIČ 202 144 3963
Account number details:
- IBAN: SK35 0900 0000 0003 0110 0662
- Variable symbol: 2402
- Note for recipient: Name of participant
- Accomodation is to be arrange separately on special rate conditions in Grand Hotel Vígľaš
We encourage conference participants to prepare scientific articles and publish them in the following scientific journals (after meeting the editorial requirements of journals):
1) E + M Economics and management
2) Studia Periegetica (Poland)
3) Polish Journal of Sport and Tourism (Poland)
4) Acta Academica Karviniensia (Czech Republic)
5) Czech Hospitality and Tourism Papers (Czech Republic),
6) Ekonomická Revue Cestovného Ruchu - Economic Review of Tourism (Slovak Republic)
7) European Journal of Tourism Research (Bulgaria)
Selected papers within the scope of the European Journal of Tourism Research (Scopus, ESCI – Clarivate Analytics, Impact Factor=2.3) will be invited for possible publication in a regular issue after the usual double-blind review process.
In the case of intereset in publishing in recommended journals, the authors need to contant directly the journal editor and follow the journal submission procedure.
Conference venue: Hotel Grand Vígľaš, Vígľaš no. 602, 962 02 Vígľaš, Slovakia; GPS 48.5554719 2996695
9:00 - 9:45 Registration (hotel reception)
10:00 Conference opening
- assoc. prof. Ing. Vladimír Hiadlovský, PhD. - Rector of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica: Official welcome speech of the JM rector of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
- prof. Ing. Vanda Maráková, PhD. - Head of the Department of Tourism, Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica: Department of Tourism in the light of changes
- Mgr. Marek Harbuľák - State secretary of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic, Ing. Tomáš Ondrčka, Director general of Tourism Department of the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Slovak Republic: Dimensions of Tourism
10:30 - 11:45 Plenary session with keynote speakers - chair: prof. Vanda Maráková, Faculty of Economics MBU
- Dr. h. c. prof. Dr. Harald Pechlaner - Founding chair of the School of Transformation and Sustainability, The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany; Eurac Research, Italy: Turning point and transformation: Will tourism be able to become an agent of change?
- Dr. Ivana Vala Magátová - General director of Slovakia Travel: Is Slovakia able to sufficiently utilize the potential of participating in the world EXPO exhibitions?
- Dr. Miles Oglethorpe - President of the International Committee for the Conservation of the Industrial Heritage: Making our industrial heritage past work for a sustainable future: exploring its tourism potential
11:45 - 12:00 Coffee break
12:00 - 12:45 Plenary session with keynote speakers
- Ing. Tibor Bajaník - Director of travel agency FIFO: Actual trends in the operations of travel agencies
- Ing. Mgr. Martin Beňuch - Director of spa Sliač: Healthy country: product for domestic and international tourism
12:45 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Discussions in sections
Section A - chair: prof. Kristína Pompurová, Faculty of Economics MBU
- prof. Monika Jurčová - Faculty of Law, Trnava University: Revision of the package travel Directive - Adaptation to COVID-19 context
- Dr. Beata Paliś - The Institute of Entrepreneurship, Jagiellonian University in Kraków: The bleisure trend in the opinion of participants in the 29th edition of the KRAKDENT® International Dental Fair 2023
- Dr. Ivana Allen - Operatunity Travel: Rebuilding senior tourism in the post-Covid era: business case from New Zealand
- assoc. prof. Ľubomír Kmeco, Dr. Monika Klímová, Dr. Petra Chaloupková Košlíková - Faculty of Business, Pan-European University Prague; Ing. Jana Buncová - Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, Prague University of Economics and Business: Development of tha spa industry in the Czech Republic
- Dr. Miroslava Kostková, assoc. prof. Pavlína Pellešová - School of Business and Administration, Silesian University: Environmental stategy of accommodation facilities in the Czech Republic
- Dr. Katarzyna Trybuś-Borowiecka, prof. Andrzej Rapacz, prof. Marek Walesiak - Wroclaw University of Economics and Business: The impact of the Internet and social media on the tourist behaviour of academic youth
SECTION B - chair: assoc. prof. Jan Hán, University College Prague
- Workshop: How to benefit from Virtual Reality in the Hospitality Industry?
15:30 - 16:15 Break
16:15 - 17:00 Sightseeing tour through the castle
17:00 The Grand Ceremony, Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Department of Tourism
- Congratulations of partners, alumni and students to the 60th anniversary of Department of Tourism
- Presentation of Alumni club
- Presenting awards to honourable guests and partners of Department of Tourism
- Cultural programme: presenting traditional music from Banská Bystrica region: ensembles Hojana and Podpoľanec
19:00 Gala Dinner
On June 21st, 2024 we are organizing an additional workshop for conference participants dedicated to the topic of Smart business skills of university students on the international labour market. Participants of conference are warmly welcomed to join the workshop.
9:15 – 9:30 Registration
9:30 – 10:00 Presentation of the project Erasmus+ SMARTBUS
10:00 – 10:30 Intercomprehension in multilingualism
10:30 – 11:00 Creativity as a smart skill of tourism students
11:00 – 12:30 Hard, soft and sustainability skills, competencies and knowledge of tourism graduates
12:30 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Erasmus+ SMARTBUS: Key conclusions and new horizons
Papers should be 7 - 10 pages long A4 format MS Word send to e-mail: [email protected].
You will be informed about receiving of your paper. All received papers will proceeded to the double-blind review process. Accepted papers will be published in electronic conference proceedings with ISBN.
Please respect the following paper submission guidlines.